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SHEroes Resilience Summer School: Empowering Women in Disaster Risk Reduction through Heritage

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RESILIAGE Summer School is thrilled to announce the opening of its registration for the upcoming 6th edition, scheduled from the 22nd to the 29th of June, 2024 entitled “SHEroes Resilience Summer School: Empowering Women in Disaster Risk Reduction through Heritage”, a part of the programme “Cultural Heritage in Context. Digital Technologies for Humanities”.

This edition is going to take place in Castello del Valentino, a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the heart of Turin, Italy.

More information will soon be available on the Summer School official website here.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of an inspiring journey of learning, empowerment, and change in the beautiful city of Turin!

Dive into the agenda here!

Stay tuned for more information!